Panels & Unusual Objects

Do you have a project that’s small or unusual and wish that it could be longarmed?

Do you have a panel or piece of whole cloth that you wish were longarmed?

Do you have several orphan blocks that you want to make into pillows, but don’t feel like free motion quilting on them?

Well, I can longarm several small items at one time for you and solve this problem. Here are the requirements:

1) One large piece of backing fabric. For example, if you want to longarm several orphan blocks to make pillows, you could give me a 90” piece of muslin to use as the backing fabric.

2) Choose one design/pantograph to be used.

3) Choose one thread color.

4) The minimum charge for the longarming portion of the invoice is $50.

5) Remember that longarming will cause fabric to draw in, so add extra fabric to the width and height to allow for the change in size.

The pictures below are of a cross-stitch piece that someone wanted to make into a bed pillow. They added the blue pieces of fabric for the pillow top and had a solid piece of fabric for the back of the pillow. I longarmed them onto a piece of muslin.

The flag picture is another customer’s panel project.

The last 2 pictures are of whole cloth that was longarmed with the “Midnight Star” to be used in making Christmas stockings.


Gift Swap Quilt


NCSU Student Athlete T-Shirt Quilt